It is now time we use a new way to help you stop.
TAU (Treatment As Usual) doesn't seem to be working:
Addiction Freedom-Alcohol Relapse Prevention
Using a Revolutionary Approach based on
the latest research of Brain Science.
Sober Serenity has evolved from the Internationally acclaimed "Addiction Project." This is a proven, specific methodology that looks at addiction from a completely new perspective.
The brain of an addict reacts to core beliefs, triggers, and emotional memories that are stored below the conscious awareness. The work that is needed to end the addiction at a subconscious level is completely overlooked in most rehab systems, and as a result the failure rate is typically a whopping 90%.
Based on what we now know about the brain, the neuroplasticity, and the biology of belief, we can begin to approach addiction and recovery from a totally new perspective.
Using these newly discovered and clinically accepted methodologies of the latest research in brain science, these revolutionary mind and behavior modification techniques will work to retrain and recondition the addict at the core unconscious level.
Radical Results
Hypnosis, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), EFT (emotional freedom) and Energy Therapies are powerful tools that are used by physicians, psychiatrists, hospitals, hypnotherapists and universities.
In the age of discovery and research, breakthroughs and insight, it makes no sense that the most widely used method to treat addiction is over 80 years old.
It makes no sense.
The current success rate in TAU rehab is no better than the success rate for those that choose to stop drugs and alcohol completely on their own!
Experts in the Mind Body field now have the tools and methods to stop the addictive patterns in the brain and body. These tools and processes are proven, researched and powerful.
There has never been a better time to make a difference in treating addictions and make this new paradigm the standard in treatment that you, or a loved one, ready to lead a powerful life.
Our Philosophy
We believe people are not broken or truly helpless in controlling their behavior. Every thought, feeling, and act of an individual is the best and healthiest available to them in that moment based on the information, priorities, and resources they are using. We believe that individuals are capable of creating permanent change if and when their subconscious priorities, needs, resources, or perspectives change or can be met in a new way.
We have seen that individuals are not victims of their genes or biology. Given the right tools, we can massively change the way the brain responds to conditioned triggers that create addictive behaviors. Neither genetics nor upbringing are seen as an excuse, but as a logical reason to work harder in a different direction in order to achieve a new result.
Since we do not see a person as sick, we do not diagnose or treat. Instead, we educate, condition, program, and train the subconscious mind into automatically making choices that are congruent with the individual’s success.